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The Paranoid Are Welcome, But Keep Looking Behind You

The Paranoid Are Welcome, But Keep Looking Behind You

Yesterday, I received this piece of spam:

Dear Consulting Society,
You should be alerted to this breaking news concerning Rick Warren:
James Sundquist
I wrote back: This is spam.
Today, I received this missive from Mr. Sundquist:
Well you can be certain I won't write you again.  But it is astonishing to me that you would receive a reward for press coverage, yet retaliate when someone tells you the truth.

Let the record reflect your position which I am happy to make public so they can now be alerted about you.
You attitude is what most of the press now has…(it is not true and I don't care).  There once was a time when truth did matter to the press…their entire integrity hinged on it.
If you are saying that I am a liar, then you had better prove it!
So you are an expert consultant, is one of your tactics to teach people to use ad hominem attacks as you have by assaulting my character, without evidence?
Furthermore, I note that you are a psychologist.  I produced a film documentary exposing psychotherapy entitled: MAKING MERCHANDISE OF MEN'S SOULS, Part II Psychotherapy vs. Scripture
I only wish I had know (sic) about you before it was released and I would have included you in the expose.  But is not too late to sound the alarm about you to my own media database and various national radio shows I appear on.

 Apart from the fact that I am neither a psychologist nor a journalist, it's fascinating how outrageous claims are supported by clearly disturbed outbursts. If this is how the author approves the publicity around his books and the reactions to pointing out that unsolicited promotions are spam, then you have to wonder just who is buying all those books.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 7

  • Craig Martin

    February 13, 2014

    This explosive outburst came from the words, ‘This is spam’?

    Someone seems a bit edgy. I think this guy needs a psychologist.
    I mean REALLY needs one.
    Nuts. Totally nuts.

  • Alan Weiss

    February 13, 2014

    Consistent personality disorder, but he did write “psychology vs. scriptures “!

  • Craig Martin

    February 13, 2014

    I don’t know if I’m amused or scared that a bloke capable of such aggressive and illogical outbursts over something simple is promoting a ‘Peace plan.’

    I mean, I’m laughing to myself, but I don’t really want to meet the chap.

    Although I am tempted to send him a collection of Richard Dawkins books!

  • Gareth Kane

    February 15, 2014

    I once responded to a LinkedIn connection request and got a lengthy sales pitch in my inbox straight away. Like Alan, I hit reply and said “Sorry, too spammy”

    I got an incredibly passive-aggressive response including the wonderfully ironc line “None of the 6,000+ other people I sent this to have complained.”

    What was he selling?

    Emotional Intelligence Coaching. I am not joking.

  • Hanno

    February 19, 2014

    Alan, how often do you get letters like this?

  • Alan Weiss

    February 19, 2014

    Once a month

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