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The Spam Express

The Spam Express

If you're excellent at choosing horses, why don't you just bet on them instead of selling tips at the racetrack?

Among all the SEO spam from India and inheritance fraud from Nigeria, here is a mailing which I can't seem to escape, there's no unsubscribe, and it's all free! (Names and sites removed to avoid humiliation.) Note that it's a group “devised of.” And there are “hidden and well guarded secrets.” (I wonder where “Million Dollar” came from? That would never work.) “Dons” brain apparently requires no possessive, but it may be referring to Spanish nobility. This illiterate mess apparently doesn't matter to those who allow their names to be used. They called me a “jackass” when I asked not to receive any more. Perhaps they can sell me the secret and hidden jackass techniques, for free!

No Cost Membership To Our
Dear Alan,
We have your Mentorship Membership package at no cost and postpaid
ready to ship to you!
Our elite and private XXX Membership is a group devised of
professionals in every aspect of business that is dedicated to double
and triple their annual income each and every year.  Each month our
members receive in the mail at no cost and postpaid our exclusive
private package that includes the following items that contain
materials from Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor, Les Brown, the late and
legendary Jim Rhon and Zig Ziglar, Vic Johnson and Don Boyer just to
name a few.
1.CD or DVD of the month.  This is CD/DVD contains the best marketing,
sales, business growth and leadership secrets from some of the top
leaders in our industry.  They are cutting edge and have been
especially designed for our members.
2.Million Dollar Marketing Letter.  This private letter is designed to
give you the exact secrets and plans that you can start putting into
practice the moment you read them.  They are the most hidden and well
guarded secrets that we use to create to attract more new customers in
a day than most attract in a year.  This letter alone could help you
triple your income.
3. Pick Dons Brain.  You can email any type of business question and
you will get a response, answer and solution within 24 hours. This is
a personal Mentorship service that is handled by Don XXXX himself
addressing your business questions.
4. 2 Surprise Packages per year valued at over $500.00 worth of materials.
Its like receiving a Christmas package in the mail each and every
month.  And each monthly package contains over $300.00 worth of
All these XXXXMembership benefits are yours at no
cost each month, and we even pay for the shipping so it does not cost
you one cent!  To receive your first introductory XXXXX
Membership package enroll today.  Enrollment is limited and
this offer expires in 72 hours so sign up today at
It will be one of the
best decisions you make in 2013.
The Membership cost nothing
The Monthly Materials cost nothing
The Shipping cost nothing
What in the world are you waiting for, email us today before our
Membership offer expires.
(Note: The 72 hours is apparently a rolling number, since I receive this once a month or so. These people want to educate you, folks. The line starts on the right, and out the door. This way to the egress.)
Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 2

  • Robin van Lohuizen

    June 15, 2013

    If it costs nothing, it problably is nothing.

  • Alan Weiss

    June 15, 2013

    The combination of lack of respect for the intelligence of the recipient, utter failure to understand the English language, and reliance on spamming are amazing. They make the midnight infomercials seem like Charles Dickens.

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