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The Workshop Workshop

The Workshop Workshop

I'm really excited about this new offering, The Workshop Workshop, or W2. I realized some years ago that brief, very high-end workshops were both more rewarding for me and more useful for participants than the quick, in-and-out keynote speech. Most of the money being made today in the speaking business is in training (non-celebrity, non-diversified keynoters are mostly starving). So, after launching over two dozen such offerings and realizing six figures per workshop and over seven for the year from this part of my business, I became existential and created a workshop on workshops! (The meta workshop?).

I'm going to accept a limited number of people who either have the intellectual property to create a workshop (of any length) or who are conducting workshops that can be improved in terms of quality, appeal, and revenue. We'll cover design, delivery, marketing, fees, and even peripheral issues such as successfully negotiating with hotels and suppliers. There is one scheduled, I have three people thus far, and I have no plans to do this again in the U.S. In two intensive days, propel yourself to another level of success.

Take a look here.

End of commercial, thanks for listening.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 2

  • Sandra De Freitas

    April 9, 2009


    Your “workshop on workshops” is like Kramer’s coffee table book on coffee tables, which turned into a coffee table! 🙂


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