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Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods

“Staying too long at the fair” means that you're indulging in familiar entertainment but not pursuing other responsibilities or making other contributions.

Sinatra stayed too long, After his voice gave out he continued to appear and record. People filled the arenas, eager to see perhaps the greatest popular singer of all time in person. But they were seeing a weak image, and not hearing his gifts, which were no longer available.

Tiger Woods is now in that position. During tournaments where he is out of contention and nowhere near the leaders, the cameras keep following him, as do the crowds. But he's playing embarrassing golf, yesterday failing to make the cut in the PGA, having suffered two triple bogies in one round. He needs to stop.

The question, of course, is “Stop to do what?” Golf seems to be his sole interest, his sole focus. His interviews do not reveal a particularly intellectually curious individual but rather someone with an extremely narrow focus. His life outside of golf has been notable for domestic trouble and relationship problems.

It's time to go, because he did achieve greatness on the golf course for a long time, but he's only tarnishing it now.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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