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You Need to Be Proactive to Sell

You Need to Be Proactive to Sell

We are looking for a new truck. We're probably one of the few couples around buying three top-end vehicles within six months, when it just so happens all our leases come up. (I'm going to name-drop to make my point. If that bothers you, don't read on.)

We looked at an Escalade today. When the salesman who was next “up” saw the Bentley pull into the lot, he just about met us before I closed my door. He was personable and polite. He pulled up a truck, which took a long time, and it needed gas, so we had to stop. The rear seats weren't fitted properly. The brakes smelled (he said from “newness”). He had no information yet on the 2010 models. Why isn't this dealership prepared to show its best side? Why aren't they acting as if they expect customers?

Earlier we looked at the top Audi model, which we like. We're waiting for 2010 information on that. The salesman doesn't have it. When we returned for a test drive, he had forgotten which truck we were interested in. He doesn't follow up with us. Why doesn't he realize that you need to be more than simply polite?

I'm writing this from the Hyatt Regency Goat Island in Newport, RI. I've returned here with my business (I'm running Six Figures to Seven tomorrow, and the Workshop Workshop in June) after a hiatus because I was unhappy with deteriorating service. The entire hotel staff had been told about my return and the care has been incredible. I was greeted by name at the door by the front desk manager, who had cones prepared to save a place for my car in front. Everyone has inquired about what they can do for me. They've put me in the presidential suite, and even the spa manager told me, “We are all so glad you've returned, we had a management meeting, and everyone was put on notice.” The Hyatt had reached out to me to return, and given me a special tour months ago to convince me.

There aren't many people running the meetings I'm running these days, and there aren't too many people buying the top-end vehicles, either. You have to do more than take orders, or respond to questions, or be polite. You have to be proactively assertive and accommodating.

We all have control of that. And we all need good business. What are you doing to proactively reach out to those who can pay for your value?

© Alan Weiss 2009. All rights reserved.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 11

  • Cheri

    May 27, 2009

    Well said. Thank you Allen, I always come away from your blog inspired to do better and reach higher. It’s a gift.

    Cheri Baker
    Emergence Consulting
    Seattle, WA

  • Alan Weiss

    May 27, 2009

    Thanks, Cheri. Note: “Alan”

  • Ash Waechter

    May 28, 2009

    Alan, it is amazing how many people you have to tell to spell your name correctly. I’ve only read a few posts in the past day and have already come upon three separate occasions in which someone egregiously misspelled your name. What a bummer. And I thought my name was complicated.

    Maybe it was a hired hand. You can get them for about $2 a post or something like that.

    BTW: I really liked From Panic to Profit. Well worth it. When I see how my last three proposals go (based on the info), I will be sure forward over my thoughts.

    Great post. What’s wrong with name dropping?

  • Cheri

    May 28, 2009

    I apologize for the typo. Admiration comes across a bit thin when you can’t get a name right. 🙂 My goof!

  • Alan Weiss

    May 28, 2009

    We were poor and couldn’t afford two Ls. I can understand the confusion, since “Alan” is spelled in several ways, but I always like to specify how my name is spelled, since it’s a rather personal identifier!

  • Alan Weiss

    May 28, 2009

    By the way, no apologies needed, admiration is sufficient!!

  • Rob Wallis

    May 28, 2009

    “The entire hotel staff had been told about my return and the care has been incredible.”

    This reminds me of a restaurant I used to work for, where we had to do an annual bleaching of the walls before the owners came for their inspection. I understand their need to treat you like royalty due to the amount of business you give them, but where is the consistency?

  • Ash Waechter

    May 28, 2009

    My apologies, too, to Cheri. I had read one too many negative comments about Alan’s posts about Twitter and they showed a lot of disrespect. It had been a long day and anyway…Who cares how you spell name? Right? As long the though is there.

  • Alan Weiss

    May 28, 2009

    I just want to be treated well. I’m a man of simple tastes!

  • Cheri

    May 29, 2009

    Ash – No worries. 🙂 I’ve been stubbornly ignoring Twitter so far. Between my blog, Facebook, and Linked In, I feel like I have enough electronic connectedness in my life!

    Enjoy the weekend.

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