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Zero to $300,000

Zero to $300,000

I've been asked to run a program to help people get to $300,000 in revenue per year quickly in consulting and related professions. I will run it for two days, January 14-15, here in the Providence area. Two full days, 9 to 4. Dinner the first night on me for the first 10 registered, which means I have your credit card or check in hand (do not assume I have your credit card info). I will not charge anyone until I get 12 people. If we don't get 12, no one will be charged. If we do, then I'll put through charges and cash checks. I'll keep room rates very low, and I'll provide breakfast and lunch.

The fee is $2,500, period. No installments, no discounts, no fooling. We will focus on the grunt work of getting a business moving, making contacts, being bold, generating cash, etc. We will have a lot of role play, case study, and small team work. Getting Started in Consulting, the book, will be required reading.

If you can't make or can't quite afford my Million Dollar Consulting® College, or the Six Figures to Seven Workshop, then this is an ideal alternative focusing on pragmatic marketing, fees, personal growth, and skill sets you can apply immediately in these tumultuous times.

[email protected]
Fax: 401/884-5068
Phone: 401/884-2778

My phone and fax are private lines, no worries.

Do NOT leave a message asking me to call you to take your credit card. My phone line is only answered by me and Koufax, and he's bonded.

(I have three people as of this writing, we need a minimum of nine more.)

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 2

  • Cliff Adams

    October 22, 2008

    I’m considering this. I’ve started my own concern. If you answer the following Yes/No question (which is an awfully expensive duality), then I’ll lean into my credit/tax write-off. If I have little or no pedigree, for example, no certifications, and 5-years of undegreed education in Jazz Music, but I still feel companies can benefit from me, can I still get my business off the ground, and focus on that self-improvement in tandem?

    (Liked your piece on Sinatra, btw).

  • Alan Weiss

    October 22, 2008


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