Dogs don't stop to do a risk analysis before they run through an open gate.
RIO: Rhode Island Oddities
Rhode Island is more a state of the mind than a state of the union. People in Rhode Island give directions based upon landmarks that no longer exist. For example, if you ask for the location of a new restaurant, you'll
Warning: Leftovers Can Kill You
Just when I thought the indicators of a total loss of judgment and over-reliance on rules were at their craziest height, I hear this on AM radio this morning on the way to get coffee with the dogs: An interview
RIO: Rhode Island Oddities
Rhode Island is more a state of mind than a state of the union. People here have vacation homes—45 minutes from their regular homes. They tend to return for their mail, shuttle back and forth, no need to pack much. Most
RIO: Rhode Island Oddities
Rhode Island is more a state of mind than a state of the union. When I stop to allow another car to cross in front of me, across traffic, the driver hesitates. Okay, perhaps that's prudent. So, I blink my lights.
Just One Thing
Ask yourself, first thing in the morning: What is one thing I can accomplish today which will make this a successful day? Then get it done.
How About Lending Me A Catalog?
I like to thumb through the pages of catalogs while I watch football. Since I'm building a huge, new train layout, I asked my favorite supplier for their hard copy catalog. "We've distributed all of them, you'll have to browse online,"
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 11/20/17
Jefferson once said something like, "In matters of taste, swim with the tide. In matters of principle, stand like a rock." I'm seeing a lot of rocks lately. This is why I'm fascinated by the recent sale of the Leonardo
The tradition of removing one's hat to show respect originated with the knights of old who would remove their armored helmets to show they had no intention of doing battle. (They also began the tradition of a handshake to show