New The Million Dollar Consultant® Hall of Fame Inductees
I’m proud to announce the following inductees into The Million Dollar Consultant® Hall of Fame, as revealed at the Mentor Summit in Las Vegas this week. The criteria for induction include:
• Serving as an exemplar to others in the profession.
• The highest levels of integrity, ethics, and accountability.
• Revenue and profit achievement and growth.
• Contributions of intellectual capital to the profession.
• Continual, challenging, personal and professional development.
• Risk taking and resilience.
I am very happy to announce the following 2009 inductees into The Million Dollar Consultant® Hall of Fame:
Suzanne Bates: The owner of a powerful business focused on improving executive presentation and communication skills, with two superb books on executive performance, a member of the Million Dollar Club, and a former network news anchor.
Seth Kahan: An outstanding organization development consultant who constantly contributes to the Mentor Community by selflessly sharing his victories and setbacks, and is an exemplar of lifelong learning and growth, formerly with the World Bank.
Patricia Lynch: A human performance and productivity expert who has worked with highly effective results in public sector and highly politicized environments, nevertheless driving clients toward demonstrable and repeatable results.
Linda Popky: A marketing and message expert, who helps clients clarify their message, who is one of the most frequent and powerful contributors to Alan’s Forums, recently bestowed with a Woman of the Year Award, and the president of Women in Consulting.
Katherine Radeka: An outstanding professional in lean management and business processes, who has created significant intellectual property and become the “go to person” in her field through her highly effective promotion of her value in her marketplace.
Scott Simmonds: An insurance expert who selflessly shares with the community of professionals he joins and supports, and who constantly experiments with more effective ways to reach and assist clients, generously sharing effective techniques with those around him.
Phil Symchych: An expert in business growth who literally traveled the globe, from Australia to Germany, from the UK to the US, to discover best practices to make him more valuable to clients in an ongoing perpetual learning quest.
Congratulations to all, and thanks for sharing so much of your experiences with the Alan’s Forums community!
All the best,
Scott Simmonds
I am honored to be made a part of such an accomplished group of professionals.
Alan Weiss
Proud to have you on board. Hell of a week here in Vegas.
Lisa Nirell
Alan, thank you for hosting an incredible summit! I am proud to be surrounded by such intelligent, generous leaders. Congratulations to the new Hall of Fame members. Viva Las Vegas!
Alan Weiss
AND I won $500 at craps on the last night….
Des Vadgama
Looks like a great team of experts have been added to the Hall of Fame
Alan Weiss
Next inductees will be named at the end of September.