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Accelerating Your Coaching Process

Accelerating Your Coaching Process

In the process visual* below, I've depicted my approach toward mentoring and coaching which I've recommended to my Master Mentors.

First: Define and clarify the issue. (“I'm overwhelmed.” What, exactly, dow that mean?)

Second: If it's not really an issue, just a need to talk or someone being needy, discard it.

Third: If it's legitimate but beyond your ability to help resolve, call me. (In other words, ask for help from a higher power!)

Fourth: If it's something new but you can help resolve it, add the solution to your repertoire.

Fifth: If it's something that you've dealt with before—the most probable scenario—choose a solution that's worked before.

This system will accelerate your coaching and rapidly add to your expertise.


© Alan Weiss 2016

* “Process Visual” is a proprietary term I coined in the late 1990s to describe processes made apparent in a single visual, and about which I've written two books, The Great Big Book of Process Visuals and Son of Process Visuals. They are on my site, AlanWeiss.com.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 1

  • Bruce Baker

    September 20, 2016

    I find that first step is the big one for most people. They feel pressured to keep pushing forward, trying to get things done when a 5-10 min “break” to think about what the issue is at hand and get some clarity. Once they’ve done that, they find they end up much more productive in the long run.

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