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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 02/03/2020

Monday Morning Memo

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 02/03/2020


The local Dunkin' Donuts was taken over not long ago, apparently by The Tin Man from Oz, who doesn't have a brain, and according to employees, he barred giving out free dog biscuits because he was “losing his shirt” on that practice. (Dog biscuits are about $12 for a box that would take care of 50 dog visits, and coffee, last time I looked, is basically water.)

Nevertheless, on some early mornings that's the only place open. So I've placed a plastic bag of biscuits in the truck's glove box, and simply give those to the dogs while I'm waiting for the coffee. They are perfectly happy, not giving a rap about the source of the biscuits, only about the salutary result.

It seems to me that we too often demand of others that they approve of our process and not simply be happy with the result. I'm interested in my property looking better, not in the history of tree pruning or the techniques used, which the landscaper frequently tries to explain to me. I want my train layout electronics to work, I'm not interested in something “in phase,” or wattage, or amps. Similarly, our clients desire business results that improve their condition, not a perfervid discussion of methodology (unless you were looking for the restroom and wound up in the HR department).

If I can solve your problem or improve your condition rapidly, I'm worth a great deal, and it doesn't matter how I did it, so long as it's legal and ethical. Bentley doesn't demand that his biscuit come through that sliding window, he just wants his morning treat. I could go on about how to do this, but I'm not going to.

Truth is ever to be found in simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.—Issac Newton

Role Play Boot Camp: A small group will meet in an intense day to practice with me, and with each other, the most difficult conversations they encounter or anticipate. You’ll emerge from this prepared to handle any buying situation, request for referrals, fee conversation, and so forth, whether in person or remote. Limited seating. Contact me at [email protected]. Fee: $2,500. Date: April 23, Los Angeles. (If you attend the Getting Started session below on April 22, this fee is reduced to $2,000.)

Building A Dynamic Pipeline in Any Economy: Whether you listen to Chicken Little or Paul Revere, build your business with a systematic approach to growth in this special livestream broadcast. Subscribe here. February 11.

Sentient Strategy: Learn how to market and implement a novel approach to strategy for all kinds of organizations with a minimum fee to you of $50,000 and more in my two-day intensive experience. Subscribe here. Next session in New York City March 4-5. Tentative session in Sydney on March 30.

Getting Started in Consulting and Re-energizing Your Practice: Sold out in Boston, approaching 100 people in LA, grab your seat quickly, spend six hours with me at a ridiculously low fee and gain a 1,000:1 return. Subscribe here. And I’m buying lunch!

Creating Dynamic Communities: Learn how to quickly create evangelistic communities with your clients, prospects, and others which will generate revenue continually and make you a global influencer. Subscribe here. Later this month in Miami.

Million Dollar Consulting® Convention in Sydney: Join me for the first such event ever held outside of the US. We have 84 people registered, we can only accommodate 100, and there is a special discount for people from Australia and New Zealand. I’ll also be donating 5% of gross revenues to wildlife support groups in Australia. Subscribe here. Australia is in dire need of restoring tourism and investment, join me and extend your stay.


Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 1

  • Duke Merhavy

    February 4, 2020

    As a by the way mention, this is the biggest lesson I learned from your books… As ‘experts’ (we hope we are) we have the propensity to dwell on the mechanics of how things are to be done, thinking intuitively that our clients are as fascinated by the ‘minutia’ as we are — They are not. My proposals now are about 1/3 of the length they used to be with the details (when necessary) are tucked in the appendix at the end of the proposal for those clients who feel the need for some bulk. So, thank you for that!

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