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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/23/17

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/23/17

I've been consulting for quite some time, and I've seen just about everything, but I've never seen anyone or any business cut their way to growth. And I imagine I'll see a unicorn on my lawn before I see that feat accomplished.

That susurrus you hear in a capitalist economy is investment. Investment (of time, money, talent, resources, etc.) is what generates improvement, which is generally regarded as a return on that investment. You don't grow without investment and you lose the ability to invest when you cut back and reduce your assets.

I don't believe anyone has the right to consume wealth without also creating wealth. And, for that matter, I don't believe we have the right to consume happiness without creating happiness. We don't reach a point of comfort and simply remain there—we either grow or decline, not related to age or circumstances, but rather to volition. The laws of entropy are immutable: All plateaus eventually erode.

I'm at the top of my game because I invest in myself: my development, happiness, surroundings, experiences. If you choose to simply preserve and protect—worrying about where to take money from instead of how to make the money needed—you're not going to grow. That is an individual choice.

When I managed a large, international sales force, I would routinely have sales managers in my office complaining about meeting their profit goals and wanting to cut back in order to improve their margins, rather than try to sell more. I simply pointed to a sign on my wall.

It said, “No whining allowed.”

People are like dirt. The can either nourish you and help you grow as a person or they can stunt your growth and make you wilt and die. —Plato

Spend two days with me in Carmel, CA: A focus on business growth in a great resort at a fantastic price with a small group of facinating people, Feb. 15-16. Write me for details: [email protected].

New! Evergreen Client Relationships: Join the global sales strategy expert, Colleen Francis, and me, for 1.5 days of intense work on:

  • Finding and landing ideal clients which possess huge potential for you
  • Chalking up instant wins to gain credibility.
  • Making yourself invaluable with TRF (The Reliance Factor) so clients seek you out again and again
  • Expanding your influence to exponentially grow opportunities within each client unit and site.

Would you like to learn how to develop million dollar clients with which you work over many years? We have, and we'll show you how.

This is a limited attendance experience. AND, we're holding it across from the famous Bacon Bar in Miami! You can attend at a discount if you sign up in the next three weeks: https://www.alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/never-ending-value-evergreen-relationships-lifelong-business/

Shameless Promotion Meets Social Media Strategy: Global social media strategist Lisa Larter and I will help you create dynamic, inexpensive, effective approaches to promoting your business in both corporate and retail environments. How good is Lisa? She handles all my technology and internet strategy, and I was a social media cynic! Come and listen to the converted in Naples, Florida: https://www.alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/shameless-meets-social/

2018 Million Dollar Consulting® Convention: This is in Boston in April. Almost 60% of the Chicago participants signed up in advance to guarantee their seats. There's nothing else like this, 2.5 days of accelerated learning, great speakers, networking with global colleagues, and business growth. You can save 60% if you register this month: https://www.alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/million-dollar-consulting-convention-2018/



Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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