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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 11/26/18

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 11/26/18

It seems we focus on the macro and the micro. We are keen to study climate change, and the wisdom of recycling, and alternative power sources. We seem also consumed with who can use which bathrooms, what proper pronouns suit each person, and ensuring the shadow of no religious symbol crosses public property.

What about the middle? What about reducing crime, especially drugs and gun deaths? What about decent education and quality teachers, especially in the inner cities? What about infrastructure investment, so bridges don't collapse and potholes don't bend a rim? What about getting impartial, objective, honest news from the media?

I think we focus on the macro because it's philosophically pleasing and we can reward ourselves for our vision. We focus on the micro because some of it is important to us on a personal level, and we can force change short-term. But the stuff in the middle? That's where the real quality of life is, and the issues that can propel the marco and micro.

I understand someone's concern about climate, but why don't we ensure the streets are efficiently plowed after a snowstorm to ensure we can get to the meeting to discuss the loftier issues?


Better it is for philosophy to err in active participation in the living struggles of its own age and times than to maintain an immense monastic impeccability…saints engage in introspection while burly sinners run the world. —John Dewey

Alan Weiss's Riff™

I’m inviting you to join me monthly in 2019 for Alan’s Riff, a semi-improvisational hour with me during which I’ll discuss combinations of the following: the arts, entertainment, sports, business, philosophy, politics, and everything else you need to be comfortable talking to almost anyone about almost anything. Become a true object of interest.


Livestream Broadcasts 2019: Interactive, recorded broadcasts monthly on personal development: setting your own metrics, financial security, abundance thinking, support systems, and much more, an idea accompaniment to Alan's Riff. Engage in real-time Q&A and access the recordings at any time.


Thinking Big: Spend a day with me in Miami (adjacent to a 5K race if you're interested) so you can run long and think big. We'll talk about how to see a bigger picture, suggest a larger project, obtain a higher fee. And this also applies to your personal life: vacations, investing, relationships, etc.


Million Dollar Consulting® Convention: Just outside of Washington, DC, speakers from six countries and my special guest, the inimitable Lou Heckler. Learn from over a hundred colleagues from around the world and emerge with the best of the best practices. This is the last one in the US for two years because 2020 will be in Australia! Current discount expires in December.






Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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