Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 12/14/2020
All right, I’m coming clean: I build military models. I have a Lionel train layout. I collect stamps. When I read a book on my iPad, the hard copy version goes into my library. I have rocks in my office from all over the world, labeled and dated. Sometimes I point out that without me they never would have met. I love good cigars, fine wine, and great food. I’m crazy about fast, classy cars. I could listen to Sinatra all day. I find all dogs fascinating, and I learn from them.
I’m sure some of you are ready to unsubscribe, and you can do that below. But if you hang around for one more minute, let me explain that I “work” about a 20-hour week. I believe real wealth is discretionary time, not money. I’ve always wanted to get the hell home, so even in my younger, struggling days I would leave a client as soon as I could, and I prefer a 7 pm flight instead of staying another day. I routinely commuted to one of my best clients in Pittsburgh on a 6 am outbound and 4 pm return. I beat a lot of normal “commuters.”
I’m convinced that my strength comes from being absorbed in the world around me. I’m not ashamed to have hobbies (no, the rocks don’t talk back, no intervention is needed yet). My “work” is really my calling, and I’m pretty good at it. I have four books coming out next year, and already wrote part of the last chapter of the last book this morning, because I had a Frisbee appointment with Bentley, which we needed to get in before football.
My hobbies just sort of gradually became my vocation—Al Yankovic
Hobbies take place in the cellar and smell of airplane glue.—John Updike
Business Renaissance: I believe that the signs are very clear for an economic rebirth late first quarter or early second quarter. While many of us have learned to cope well with adversity, we need different techniques to exploit the opportunities that are arriving. I’m hosting a livestream event on January 15 at 9 am eastern (which will be recorded) to share with you my insights and specific tactics. I’ll be talking about how to leverage the inadequacies of past strategies, how to permanently engage in remote advisory work, how to acquire business without being present, and how to create new, innovative offerings at any time at all, among other approaches, and will take questions throughout. This will be on my site (alanweiss.com) in a couple of days, but if you want to grab your place now, go here: https://alanweiss.com/
MacKay CEO Forums: My long-time client and colleague, Nancy MacKay, is seeking additional chairs for her vast network which provides virtual meetings for business owners and executives. The chairs, while continuing to run their own businesses, also facilitate these meetings periodically, and gain exposure to potential clients by also addressing the groups and becoming known within the network. Here’s a video conversation with me and Nancy with more information: https://vimeo.com/451547172/b19e467e3e. You can reach Nancy for further discussions here: [email protected]. Just mention that I sent you to receive a quick response.
Million Dollar Consulting® College Goes Virtual: Join me for the first-ever virtual college over three mornings January 26-28, 2021 (afternoons in Europe). We’ll have group exercises, role plays, case studies, and great interaction. To launch this new approach, I’ve reduced the fee by 50%. I hosted a dozen people from five countries in the October virtual College. Use this January opportunity to help launch you into the emerging economy with new energy and new techniques in 2021: https://alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/million-dollar-consulting-college-2021/
If not now, when?