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Alan’s Friday Wrap® Plan B

Alan’s Friday Wrap® Plan B

Despite experiences with Katrina, despite very accurate storm tracking, Hurricane Sandy left people in New Jersey and New York as if they had been in a Third World catastrophe. Obvious needs, such as alternative power sources, fuel, and fresh water weren't in place or available in sufficient amounts. The government had a “Plan B,” it just didn't work very well. Even today, the PATH trains aren't working from Hoboken to New York City.

Most companies think they have a Plan B for a key person leaving, a key customer defecting, a power outage, bad publicity, and so on. But it's usually “dusty” and “rusty” and “musty.” Consultants need to help companies to review and test their “Plan Bs.”

If you want to know more about how to use contemporary news and events in your consulting work and business development, sign up for my 5-minute podcast, Alan's Friday Wrap, for 2013. Get a booster of business sense and growth every Friday to improve your results every week.


They begin January 4. You'll receive all back issues if you sign up later, but I'm offering a major discount before December 31.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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