Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 1/21/13
January 21, 2013—Issue #174
This week's focus point: I'm playing fetch with Bentley, our white German Shepherd puppy (who has gained 13 pounds in one month). He chases a lacrosse ball at top speed and slows down only after he has it in his mouth. When I ran the sprints in school, we called this “running through the tape.” I won my share of races when the other runners slowed before the tape, while I was focused on a spot ten yards past. We all need to pursue our goals full tilt, not cautiously. You can always make midcourse corrections, like Bentley does when the ball takes a strange bounce. But life is short. We're not here to stick our toes in the water, but to make waves. How many New Year's resolutions have you made progress on? Tomorrow, create a goal and meet it, and don't slow down until you do.
Monday Morning Perspective: The higher you build your barricades, the stronger we become. — Irish revolutionary song
Special Teleconferences: Two special teleconferences, one on instructional design, one on an abundant mentality:
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ISSN 2151-0091
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