Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 6/3/13
June 3, 2013—Issue #193
This week's focus point: I've found in coaching individuals and consulting with organizations that citing a price to test desirability of an initiative isn't a valid calculation of commitment. The real question is, “What would you be willing to pay to achieve this?” That's the return on investment issue. Education today is an example, with obscene tuitions often required to gain a degree that may not even be necessary to prove competency if we were to use a different basis. (If you can pass the bar exam, must you take three years of law school? If you can sell the product, must you have a college degree?) Don't just ask if a venture can be afforded. Ask whether the return justifies the investment. We have too many bridges that, at great expense, lead to nowhere.
Monday Morning Perspective: He which hath no stomach for this fight, let him depart. –Shakespeare, Henry V, eve of the Battle of Agincourt
Lasting Impressions: How to convert meetings into business.
Alan Weiss's Common Sense® World View: Last opportunity to get in from first edition, coming Wednesday:
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