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Alan’s Thought For The Day

Alan’s Thought For The Day

Would people have preferred that Obama shake hands with the woman who is the Brazilian president and kissed Raoul Castro? The problem with social media and empty-headed major media is that non-issues predominate real issues.

Roosevelt shook Stalin's hand, Nixon shook Khrushchev's hand, and Obama was at an event honoring a legendary figure who fostered and symbolized forgiveness.

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Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 2

  • Jerry Norman

    December 11, 2013

    Just as in consulting, the context of a recommendation/action matters. Your point about Obama’s actions taking place at an event honoring the results of forgiveness is easily missed by too many. A good consultant notes such things and brings the analysis to a new level. Thanks!

  • Daryl Gerke

    December 11, 2013

    Very well put, Alan!

    To paraphrase an old cliche – those who can, do – those who can’t, whine.

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