I Really Didn’t Send It, I’m Trying to Drive You Crazy
The default position seems to be: "I didn't receive what you were supposed to send, and that's your fault." "But 20,000 others received it, you're the only one who didn't. It didn't bounce. What does that tell you?" "It's not in my
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/24/2022
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” is usually attributed to Plato, with the attendant meaning that the perception of beauty is subjective and transient. What I find beautiful you may find mundane or even ugly. Really? The Mona Lisa?
Did You Know That A Pumpkin Is A Gourd?
I think it's great how much people get into the spirit of Halloween! There are lawn displays of huge spiders and decapitated people. Pumpkins are all over the place. I've yet to find a group or a cause protesting, though
Lend Me Your Watch So I Can Sell You the Time
I receive notices from people with links to websites where plagiarized versions of my (older) offerings are on sale. They offer to take them down for a small fee. Of course, they're the ones who put this stuff up in the
A Minute with Alan™️ — The Purse and UPS
October 21st, 2022 You could talk to the President of the United States easier than UPS. https://youtu.be/_scbiEemJMs
Racing Toward Average
American Airlines has decided to eliminate first class seats on international flights because, according to the CEO, "customers aren't buying them." They will expand business class seats, which will mean less individual space and less individual service. Perhaps customers "aren't buying
A Minute with Alan™️ — The Prince
October 20th, 2022 Don’t blink or you’ll miss it. https://youtu.be/TV3IbTd_EbE
Systems Failure
"Political language—and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists—is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." —George Orwell
A Minute with Alan™️ — The Clinic
October 19th, 2022 Are you related to the X-ray guy? https://youtu.be/fz85kBUmxyQ