A Minute with Alan® — Arrogance
May 22nd, 2024 I have been called arrogant. Can you imagine that? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9OvWpWJOFg
Financial Problems
When you can't pay your bills as they come in, or you deliberately wait until the current billing cycle on your credit card is over, you have a problem. It might be insufficient cash flow, or insufficient savings, or a
A Minute with Alan® — How Not to Save Money
May 21st, 2024 Let me tell you how not to save money. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vT0YO86GyUo
The Embarrassment of Penn Station in Newark
I travel on the Acela (the US high speed train) anywhere between Boston and Washington, DC. First class is equal to airline first class, but with far more room. The rest of the train is all business class. The entire
Slander in A Book Review
The New York Times will seldom if ever publish a letter critical of its political views (highly liberal) or a writer/columnist. In the Book Review section a week ago a reviewer named Dwight Garner simply tried to annihilate Joseph Epstein, under
A Minute with Alan® — The Brady Roast
May 20th, 2024 I’m here to talk about the Brady roast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9r5_kCviJo
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 05/20/2024
My observation is that we’re in a world where “hurry up and wait” is the governing philosophy about time. Have you been in the theater (and this applies to Broadway, as well) where a performance ends—but before the curtain call and
Just How Far Does this Go?
I heard a diversity speaker, who did not have children, lecture us that she was "child-free" and not "childless." I asked her later if that meant I were "child-burdened." She didn't respond. Nor surprise there. How ridiculous does this get?
Tiger Woods
"Staying too long at the fair" means that you're indulging in familiar entertainment but not pursuing other responsibilities or making other contributions. Sinatra stayed too long, After his voice gave out he continued to appear and record. People filled the arenas,
A Minute with Alan® — It’s Not Me, It’s You
May 17th, 2024 It's you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tXjqMm58Bc