It’s “what,” not “how”
The best way to avoid questions about your methodology instead of your results is to stop talking to lower level people, especially HR. Talk only to true buyers. They're interested in outcomes. If you keep encountering this obstacle, it's you, not them.
A Minute with Alan® — The Meeting
February 7th, 2024 What I’m about to tell you is true.
When I see an obscenity dropped into a book title, article title, or social media post (some guy claiming to be the "highest paid coach in the UK" used the F-bomb in a large box on Linkedin—people in demand who
A Minute with Alan® — The Tick
February 6th, 2024 These things happen to all of us.
How to Attract the Right Prospects
Before you fool around with your messaging, your web site, your collateral, and so forth, no matter what "experts" you're using for advice, ask this of yourself: What is my most dramatic value, who is the ideal buyer for that
A Minute with Alan® — Consciousness
February 5th, 2024 The faster and better you process information, the more conscious you are.
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 02/05/2024
Most mornings Coco, our Cavapoo, and I take the pickup truck and go for coffee after both dogs come in from the yard at about 6:30. Royce, our Shepherd, hates riding (we have to plan carefully for his vet checkups).
Let’s Find Out Who Did This!
One of the problems in problem solving in organizations is that people aren't seeking the cause of the problem, they're seeking blame. The problem with this is that, whether this is actually the "guilty" party found or not, penalizing that person or removing
Kind People
My Shepherd, Royce, has motion sickness, so we take great pains to get him to the vet for checkups, but that's it. So after I take him and Coco out in the mornings in the yard, Royce returns to the
Why the Anger Over A Minor Issue?
Did you ever hear someone referred to as a person who "easily flies off the handle"? (An ancient phrase referring to an ax head flying off its wooden handle.) Were you ever perplexed by someone reacting far out of proportion