Paying Up
I've noticed that companies that bill me, from auto to department stores, credit cards to insurance, often use non-first class letters ("pre-sorted," etc..) which slows down delivery in a postal service already slowing down even it's fastest delivery. The due
There's an apologist for everything these day. When I mentioned that I require people to have their video on as a courtesy during Zoom calls, some social media pseudo-guru told me that "many people are psychologically unprepared to be present
A Minute with Alan® — The Bell Ringer
November 10th, 2023 Life is about personal interaction.
Coffee, Cause, and Coincidence
The owner of the local coffee shop has never been able to master the modern cash register he purchased about a year ago when the old one broke down. He simply charges me a round number, like $4, and tucks
A Minute with Alan® — Reductionism
November 9th, 2023 When you’re not reductive, you take a lot more time.
Who’s Casting the First Stone?
"Moral certainty is always a sign of cultural inferiority. The more uncivilized the man, the surer he is that he knows precisely what is right and what is wrong."—HL Mencken "No one is as corrupt as the morally certain." —Anonymous I enjoy
A Minute with Alan® — Possibility and Pragmatism
November 8th, 2023 What seems possible often isn’t pragmatic.
It’s That Second Time
One of my gifts for speaking at a University's school of business was a coffee cup that keeps the coffee hot. It requires an app and control by my iPhone (of course) but it does what it promises and keeps
A Minute with Alan® — Playing Not to Lose
November 7th, 2023 Too many people don’t try to win.