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Beware the Passive-Aggressive

Beware the Passive-Aggressive

Passive-aggressive behavior, which seeks to hurt under the guise of help, is highly malicious and potentially damaging. (“Oh, your son was accepted into UCLA? Was that his second choice?”) In the June edition of HR Magazine, Signe Wilson offers these telltale signs that you're dealing with a passive-aggressive personality:

• avoids responsibility
• performs less or deliberately underperforms
• misses deadlines
• withholds information
• uses communications other than face-to-face dealings
• arrives late for meetings
• gives lip services to suggestions which are not acted upon
• claims to lose or misplace important materials
• embarrasses others regularly, though seemingly inadvertently
• is constant in these behaviors

I've paraphrased, but beware of people who are deliberately inefficient and allow problems to grow if it means elevating them and degrading you.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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