Most People Don’t Know These Sixteen Steps for Opening A Door
A huge number of posts on social media—especially Linkedin—start with "most people" or "too many people" or "the majority of people" or just "people"—meaning everyone on earth. The posts then go on to demonstrate that, astoundingly, only the writer has discovered
Letter Imperfect: Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow, nor brains….
Every single postal manager in Rhode Island would be fired if he or she provided the same level of performance in the private sector. They don't return calls or respond to letters of complaint. One gave me a non-working number on
The Tailor
There's a small tailor shop on Main Street here that has to be 40 years old (I've been here 35) run by a single tailor. The place is a mess, in that there are threads and samples and tools all
A Minute with Alan® — TSO
October 27th, 2023 This is called TSO.
Come On, Man: Hello, I’m A Stranger, Would You Like to Invest Your Money with Me?
"Cold calling" for high value/high fee professional services doesn't work. This is a relationship business. Asking me for business on Linkedin, sending me an instagram, or emailing me out of the blue just tells me you're desperate and you don't
A Minute with Alan® — Time Out
October 26th, 2023 Take your own timeout.
Hear Now, the News
I understand when organizations seek to cut costs. That's intelligent business so long as it doesn't adversely affect your best customers. I used to get my favorite newspapers at one of my favorite hotels delivered to my room every morning. No more.