Confirmation Blindness
Confirmation bias is quite a popular term these days, indicating behaviors which focus on seeking and accepting only that information (or opinion) which supports your own. It is the refusal to take seriously any facts which might threaten your own
I’m Working Alone Up Here
Have you encountered the people who have to make additional comments when you're doing a workshop? They have to add their experiences, or point out resources they think everyone else should know about (no matter how irrelevant)? I call this
A Minute with Alan® — Socialization
September 14th, 2023 It’s not all about me.
A Minute with Alan® — Political Paucity
September 13th, 2023 We deserve better.
Rain, Snow, Gloom of Night Ignored: The Silence of the Postal Service
I complained to the local postmaster that we weren't getting daily mail. I knew this because the post office informs me electronically about what mail I have that day, but sometimes nothing at all would not show up in the
A Minute with Alan® — Real Life
September 12th, 2023 How do we define life?
A Minute with Alan® — The Glacier
September 11th, 2023 Do we really have the right stuff?
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 9/11/2023
I’ve been to 63 countries and 49 states (I’m afraid to go to North Dakota—have you seen “Fargo?”). As you probably know, we’ve just returned from an eight-day cruise (after flying into Anchorage) that took us from Seward to Juneau to