It’s Just Not Work
A woman who's a good friend of our family joined us in LA for a celebration of our new granddaughter. We were catching up over a huge family dinner, and she said, "You know, Alan, it seems everything you do
An "epidemic" is a disease that quickly affects a large number of people and then subsides. A "pandemic" is a global spread of such a disease. "Endemic" refers to a disease which continues in a given area and affects limited
The elusive Bornean Rajah scoops owl has been spotted for the first time in 125 years. A century and a quarter. We say "elusive" just because we haven't seen it or noticed it. Hubris. Still more evidence that we're just not
The Shot Not Heard Round the World
Someone recently told me he couldn't attend a course next week because he had contracted Covid. I asked if he had been vaccinated. He had not. I guess I'm not all that smart, because I can't comprehend how you choose not
Episode 219 – The Grinch
Tune in to the latest episode of Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth® - Episode 219 - The Grinch. Listen to this episode on your favorite podcast platform: Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth® · Episode 219 - The Grinch
Help Me Out, Here
• Why can't we have a national, electronic vaccine record? • The people worried that the vaccine will insert some tracking mechanism aren't important enough to be tracked. • I'm glad Tiger Woods is improving and playing again, but did anyone ever
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ — 12/22/2021
Word of the week™: Tramontane
Come On, Man: Hold On, Hold Fast
You know the bucking bulls they have in some bars? Well, the market was down 600 yesterday, it's up 500 so far today, just hold on as tight as you can. The market floor isn't padded like the bar's.
Why to Fly Jet Blue and Not American
We're on our way to see our new granddaughter in LA. I called Jet Blue after our horrible experience with American going to Miami with Maria needing a wheelchair because of impending hip surgery. The Jet Blue agent told me