A Minute with Alan® — Boarding Airlines
October 28th, 2024 When you have disrespect for one rule, you have disrespect for all rules. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78645ooHKtU
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/28/2024
I was co-hosting a workshop for professional speakers with my long-time partner in the offering in Las Vegas. My partner had a good friend who was a participant, and that friend had a new “status” partner, an apparently big-deal attorney.
No Shine, No Tie, No Paper?
We were in Charlotte yesterday changing planes to come here to Las Vegas, and I noticed an old-time shoe shine place with three men awaiting customers for six seats. I realized I don't even see single shoe shine men anymore,
Dining Up and Out
My Wife and I are on AA 461 on the way to Las Vegas today. In first class (which is really a business class, 20 seats on the small A321, but still better that Europe's domestic business class with tiny
Political Thought (or Thoughtless) Patterns
You're entitled to your political opinions and, of course, your choice of candidates. From a logical, critical thinking perspective, I do have a question: If the Democrats' position is that Trump is so clearly, toxically evil, then how can they
A Minute with Alan® — Train Wrecks
October 25th, 2024 We’re watching the train wreck. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FriVeE0WkYw
Déjà Vu All Over Again
Amidst all the modern focus on the Olympics, WNBA, professional football trades, beginning of the basketball season, and college football playoffs, here comes one of the oldest and most traditional sports events in history: The Dodgers and the Yankees in
High Quality
You need to have both a high quality offering (products and services) and a high quality buyer (e.g., someone who looks at ROI and not cost, and has money to invest). High quality buyers are almost always people with P&L
A Minute with Alan® — Political Mad Shouting
October 24th, 2024 They really believe people are going to give them money. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuBmu2192OM