A Business Boom Is Coming
Are you starting to received requests, referrals, and/or inquiries from clients and prospects? The vaccines are being administered, more stimulus was approved (and still more will now come with a Democratic Congress), and people are eager to personally and professionally
The Triumph of Democracy
Let me make a contrarian point here: I think the decision to let the energy of the mob wane, bring in the police in force later and clear the place, and then the continuation of the vote certification, were outstanding
Episode 169: Neither Rain Nor Snow…Oops!
Why the newspaper guy in a small car beats the postal worker with a jeep. Listen to this episode on iTunes or Soundcloud! There are hundreds of millions of dollars in lawsuits from postal employees, yet to be settled. Let's talk about why
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 01/06/20
Today's word: reductive.
Develop the Stars
The mistake most organizations make with their investments is in desperately trying to develop all performers to perform at the top levels. That kind of performance isn't merely a question of skills development, no matter what human resources latest fad
Come on, man! Investing in Yourself
The amount of people on social media, particularly Linkedin, who feel everyone there is open game for free help is astounding. You get what you pay for. (I'm astounded at some people in my own community who in one breath
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 01/04/2021
When I first began speaking professionally, it was to help market my consulting services. I often spoke for free. Then I "raised" my fee to $750. I remember watching the "big name" speakers who were in the Speakers Hall of
The Coming Business Boom
10 days until my livestream on the approaching Business Boom that we all need to prepare for if we seek to help others and earn a living: https://alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/business-renaissance/
If You Want to Get Wet….
It almost never works to enter consulting part time. It's unfair to your current employer, often unethical, it's a mutual distraction, and it's not fair to any clients you may attract because your time is limited and often inflexible. If
Come on, man! Just Add A Ukulele
Enough with fake backdrops on Zoom. If you consider the frequency and consistency with which we all resort to Zoom, is it so hard to create a place with a professional background where you seem more personal and "real"? There