Realtor Sentenced
I've mentioned here in the past an unethical Point Pleasant, NJ realtor who committed arson. According to the Toms River Patch, he's finally being punished: FREEHOLD, NJ — A Toms River man who owned an insurance business in Point Pleasant Beach
A Minute with Alan® — Body Language
June 21st, 2024 This episode is on body language.
No Room at the Inn
It was tough finding accommodations in Woodstock, VT in October, but Amex finally came through. It's the height of the leaves changing color, and that draws people from all over. Of course, we have glorious colors in the fall here
A Minute with Alan® — Life Coaches
June 20th, 2024 I don’t know what a life coach is.
I've been listening to President Biden and he sometimes errs about his experiences and ranking in law school, what happened during his vice presidential tenure, and even having had cancer (which he did not). I'm not making any political judgments. What
Guest Column: Rethink Leadership: The Unexpected Power of Expectations
by Christian Muntean As happens in the hallowed halls of Harvard, two sets of students were given two different groups of rats to run through a maze. Dr. Robert Rosenthal, who was conducting the experiment, informed the students that one set
A Minute with Alan® — Brevity and Pausing
June 19th, 2024 The key to brevity.
I was watching the Boston Celtics championship basketball victory in Boston Garden with 20,000 people going berserk. It occurred to me and my wife that these people are men and women, black and white, native born and immigrant, straight and