Why I Enjoy Being 78
The dogs don’t give a damn. They think I’m fabulous. The people at Dunkin’ Donuts think I’m a kindly old guy driving a pickup with a couple of dogs looking for the seniors’ discount. They give us free bacon
A Minute with Alan® — Lighten UP!
April 19th, 2024 You need to lighten up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e33e-YDw76k
It’s All Relative
People are complaining that Caitlin Clark doesn't make as much as an NBA player. Well they don't make as much as Taylor Swift. So let's move on.
A Minute with Alan® — Honk, Honk!
April 18th, 2024 Sometimes, you have to honk at people in your car. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99vxUzliauQ
Prisoner of the Past
We deal with the past primarily through memory, the present through perception, and the future through imagination. None of these is perfect, nor even necessarily accurate. The past differs because it has happened. We can check sources and references, but often not
A Minute with Alan® — Writer’s Block
April 17th, 2024 There’s no such thing as writer’s block. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02Zko0EATgc
Winning in Overtime Isn’t As Good As Winning in Regulation Time
Things are seldom settled based on one issue. "The play that lost the game" is usually just a play with time running out or at a precarious moment, but why was team behind at that point? What about the three
A Minute with Alan® — Being Profane
April 16th, 2024 I have no respect for people who use obscenities all the time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Azy51Kvgc-c