Olympic Thoughts
• The Chinese women deserved to win the gymnastics gold, the Americans simply choked. • Those Chinese gymnasts have not yet seen 16, I don't care what their passports say. • Michael Phelps is impressive because of what he can do under
Low Hanging Fruit and Tough Times
(This is my recent column in RainToday, which I'm reprinting here because of of its universal appeal, and because I like it a lot.) There is a hackneyed and obnoxious phrase in the sales business called "low-hanging fruit." The point, as
Suburban Terror
I think I have finally found The Last Angry Man. He is James Howard Kunstler, a fierce opponent of suburban sprawl. WARNING: This video contains profanity. WARNING: This video contains some terrific anger, great humor, and fascinating insights. I'm pleased
The Good Old Days
Billy Joel sings that "the good old days weren't all that good, and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems." I had an interesting chat this morning with a very good guy, successful consultant, who asked if I thought that the
The Weak Link
I've found my experiment as Guru of Social Media on Linkedin to be fascinating, but sort of like eating taffy—it's flavorful, but always on the verge of too much trouble. Here are the pros thus far: • People are overwhelmingly polite and
Either Follow-Up Or Get Out (Episode 23)
Click Here for entire series table of contents © Alan Weiss 2008. All rights reserved.
Moving Toward Asia
According to the August 1 issue of "Consultants News" (Kennedy Information, Peterborough, NH), slow consultancy work elsewhere is pushing interest toward the Asia/Pacific area, where the economies are far better in those less mature, growing markets. The four largest and
Rob Nixon Interviews Alan Weiss
Million dollar consultant Rob Nixon, from down under, interviews the Rock Star of Consulting, Dr. Alan Weiss. In this outstanding interview Rob asks Alan tough question about: Why value based fees (VBF) vs. time bases fees and how do you transition