Off Key
Some people are so successful that they become self-absorbed and tone-deaf to the world around them. Pinchas Zuckerman, the world-renowned violinist, recently made what many considered racial comments during a master class at Julliard, telling two Asian sisters they needed
Look around. The default position for most people and businesses I'm observing is to find the "routine" again. It's as if someone has stopped twisting arms, and now it just feels so good we should all be thankful. In my view,
What Day Is This?
Enjoy Father's Day and Mother's Day for as long as you can, because I suspect they'll both disappear under the weight of radical political correctness and become "Parents' Day" or "Originators' Day" or "You're Your Own Person Who Needs to
Think about what "normal" means, and therefore, "a return to normal." It means conforming to some standard which is usual, typical, and/or expected. It is the antithesis of "standing out in a crowd." It is boring. If I had wanted "normal"
New York, New York
My first trip in 15 months, by Acela to the Big Apple. The first class car was about 85% filled, excellent service and right on time. The new Moynihan Train Hall compared to the old, ancient Penn Station is a
Memorial Day 2021
It’s not so fashionable these days to remember and honor those who are willing to put themselves in harm’s way to protect us, especially those who, as Lincoln said, “gave their last full measure of devotion” in so doing. And so,
A lot of people are saying, "Looks like we're getting back to normal." Is that what you really want? What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. What doesn't make you stronger might just kill you. We've learned about some things we began
Passion’s Wrong Turn
If your attitude is anything less than great today, think of your life vs. a year ago. If you're incapable of that perspective, then you're determined to be miserable and I don't want to get in your way.
Spring Is Here
Here in the northeastern US, everything looks better in the spring, and this spring looks way better than last spring. Resilience, in business and in life, is the turbocharger that keeps us on track and in the race. Innovation gives
The Vaccination “High”
The most frequent, consistent feedback I've received from people who have been fully vaccinated is "a sense of calm." They talk about having endured what needed enduring, and following the rules as best they can, and getting the vaccine when