Hearing Voices
We walked to.a restaurant in Anchorage last night, using the "maps" app to guide us. This voice in my pocket continued to give us directions as my wife and I chatted along the way. This must be what it's like
What Always Surprises Me
In the new book Underworld we learn that the largest mountain on earth isn't Everest but one that begins on the ocean floor, that creatures live at depths and under conditions once thought impossible, and that we know less about the
Ignorance Is A Lot More Expensive than Education
"You can't fix stupid" is the clever new saying. Yes, but you can sure prevent it.
Play Ball
The championship game of the Little League World Series today pits the international bracket winners, Curacao, against the domestic bracket winners, California. The population of the US is 330 million, and of California 40 million. Curacao has 152,000 people. (The
What You Believe Is How You Act
Beliefs create attitudes which are manifest in behaviors. That's why it's so hard to change behaviors with punitive actions or threats. We have to address the beliefs that are the source of the behaviors. Higher taxes and "no smoking" signs didn't
Kicking It
My father told me that when I was eventually able to get my own new car, to walk around it and kick it somewhere. "Why would I want to do that?" I asked. "Because then you'll know where the imperfection is and
Surprising Dangers
According to rulesofsport.com, the five most dangerous sports, in order, are: base jumping, swimming, cycling, running, and skydiving. My impression was that numbers 2, 3, and 4 were supposed to be good for you. And numbers 1 and 5 are
Living Room
Think of an empty large auditorium, or playing field, or ballroom. There is nothing but room, and a great deal of potential for all kinds of activities and pursuits. But you immediately begin thinking of your "personal life" and "business life"
There have been thunderstorms up and down the Northeast and elsewhere all day, and I'm told something like 5 million people will be traveling tomorrow, July 5, trying to get home. I want to wish all of them Godspeed, and I'm
The School of Life
We're slowly moving toward selection based on ability and competence and not degrees or credentials. I'm not suggesting that a doctor doesn't need a medical degree or a lawyer doesn't need to pass the bar exam. I am suggesting that