I can guarantee you one resounding success: If you insist on being a victim, you will be one. I’ve written of varying instances of this phenomenon: • The woman in a wheelchair who deliberately did not announce her presence behind me as
Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and Chance Redux
Seth Godin was kind enough to leave some comments, which I appreciate. I’ve heard him speak, and he’s provocative and quite good. I think “The Purple Cow” is his best work and I highly recommend it. (It’s within a couple
Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and Chance
I’ve just invented a new law firm, as you can see by my title. They specialize in obscure technical torts. Someone posted a commentary here asking my opinion of the world of linked-in facebook, YouTube, and other assorted means of mass
Ah, The Middlemen
I’ve been receiving about three aggressive requests a month to participate in someone’s great program/web site/resource community—you name it. It’s always a “great deal” for me, yet there is never any money up front and I’m immediately to lend my
Hold the Tiger
There was once a small company bothered by insects in the cellar, which occasionally buzzed out to annoy and distract the staff. So they found a pest control expert, but they demanded "natural" means to deal with the problem, no
Ambushed by Internet
As I’ve grown older I’ve decided to spend less time with people or things that annoy me, and more time with those that provide joy. I’ve also found it rather energizing to express dissatisfaction rather than stewing about it. All that
And Speaking of Judging….
Without taking sides in the debate last night, I have to say that Hillary Clinton looked at Barack Obama when he was speaking the same way that my Shepherd, Koufax, looks through the window at a squirrel on the bird
Why Is It That….
The companies that tell you by automated voice, “Listen carefully, our options have changed,” don’t understand that we understand that they just don’t want us to try to get at a human being too soon in the process? We can not
It’s Probably Me, But….
Can someone tell me why the actor Heath Ledger’s death is as important, let alone more important, than the death of a single soldier doing duty in Iraq? Why does a millionaire movie star with everything going for him, including
The Great Rodent
Montevideo is the capital of the semi-exotic Uruguay, bordering Argentina. The name refers to something about “seeing a hill,” not perfectly translatable. The harbor was the site of the scuttling of the German Pocket Battleship, Graf Spee. In 1939, after