Promotion Is Not Conversion
Don't confuse means and ends in marketing. The name of this game is "revenue." Unless you have revenue (as Peter Drucker said, every business needs a customer) you do not have (as accountants say) "a going concern." Hence, stop promoting promotion.
The First Sale
The co-author of my very first book, with whom I had worked for ten years prior in a Princeton consulting firm, and who was a fantastic sales guy (he ran Europe and I ran the Far East and Latin America),
Let Me Tell You How I’ll Work With You
If you feel you have "too much" business occurring, don't turn down important and lucrative work. Instead, schedule it so that the early phases are very light but still demonstrate you're engaged. Schedule phone interviews, documents review, competitive research, etc., and
Please Don’t Leave A Message At The “Beep”
Both Kensington and FileMaker put representatives on the phone within a 90-second wait to help me make adaptations for my new iMacPro. High tech, high touch. Apple provides 30 minutes of live phone time when you purchase the iMac or
When warm air moves over cool surfaces, fog can form. It's happening here, on my property, as the considerable remainder of the snow is under 50° temperatures. In the fog, smart people turn on lights, they drive more slowly, the change
Here’s My Material for Our Call in Five Minutes
I get a kick out of receiving some material an hour or less before a scheduled call and being asked to look it over, as though I'm sitting around with nothing to do! I guess it's nice that people feel
Listen to Me, Not Them
There is some kind of new trend on Linkedin, although it may just be plagiarism and copying, stipulating that asking "Why?" is the wrong approach to problem solving, Instead, we should be asking "What?" (One of the proponents is a
Some Numbers to Ponder
As of this morning, the average number of followers on Twitter is 208. The average number of friends on Facebook is 338. About 50% of all those on Linkedin have fewer than 500 connections. According to Jonah Berger's research (the author of Invisible Influence
What Are You Afraid Of?
I fall asleep when I read, "Commitment is important for leaders." But I keep reading when I see, "The best leaders are highly tyrannical." I'd suggest that you stop telling people things they already think they know in your videos, audios,
If you give someone a "take it or leave it" offer, your chances aren't any better than 50/50. Some people will reject it just on the basis of feeling trapped. If you give someone options, you increase your chances dramatically. "Our room