The “Fix” Is Out
We are inculcated to "fix" things, solve problems, restore poor performance to prior, acceptable performance. Forget about it. When you're with a buyer, attempting to fix something will: Imply you can solve something quickly that the (stupid) buyer has struggled with for months. Take
Towels and Class
I'm at a luxury hotel in Puerto Rico where the staff is quite pleasant and the setting lovely. The food is good, the rooms well appointed. Yet at the pool and beach, they treat you like a towel thief. You need
Increasing Fees, Decreasing Labor
Technology companies, and Apple in particular, are increasingly providing bare bones instructions with their products. Generally, they don't say much more than "Welcome to your new MacBook," you choose a language, and that's that. This is true for their entire
Value Follows Fees
The conventional wisdom is that the more value that's perceived, the higher fee you can charge. Of course, I'm going to provide a different picture. The more people pay, the more they perceive high value. In consumer products, cheaper alternatives break more
Just Tell Me What I Need To Know
When I ask the guy who takes care of our trees a question about pruning, he proceeds to tell me the history of trees. I remember when I'd ask my college professor why we use English Common Law, and he's
We know how to solve problems, and we even know how to innovate. But have we mastered the ability to make the most out of unexpected events? Many people call this "opportunism." I call it "veer," because it's a deviation from
There is an interesting dichotomy emerging in terms of human development. There is an upsurge in online platforms meant to provide flexible learning through others' IP featuring video, audio, and text. Sometimes there are even "tests" that must be passed
To Charge or Retreat?
I'm watching the sun rise over the Atlantic off the coast of Palm Beach, a beacon luring us to the opportunities of a new day. We've flying home later today from a week of vacation and facilitating my annual Thought
"Overwhelm" is the new designer condition. It's been transmogrified from a verb into a state of being. "I'm in overwhelm." It underwhelms me. We all have time in the day (since time use is at our discretion) to work on three priorities.