You Choose Success
Perception is reality. If you think the water is deep, you'll tread water without bothering to see if you can touch the bottom. What's your perception of yourself in the buyer's office? Are you a salesperson, a supplicant begging for business?
Brand Power and Buyer Ego
In most cases, when people "do you a favor" they're not merely being kind, they're receiving gratification from doing it. When people give you their business, it's not just an economic decision, they're receiving something from it. Behind every business objective
The Laws of Business Growth Today
There is no "return to normal" or "new normal." In case you haven't realized it, there is only No Normal® at this point. That means that you (and your clients) need to maximize resilience, agility, and innovation. The first two
The Misunderstanding of “Humility”
"Humility" is not reducing your own worth, but rather recognizing and honoring the worth in others. Buyers don't want "humble" consultants (or lawyers, or doctors, or tax advisors). They want experts who respect their own worth and offer expert advice as
John Naisbit Was Right
Bureaucracy arose from the industrial revolution, automation, and consequent levels of "management." It may well be ended by the AI revolution eliminating unneeded management. I've told CEOs I could remove 25% of their organization chart and they might not even
Today’s Obviousity
My obviousity for today: In all of my work with senior executives in major companies, I've never once seen any of them pull out a list or view a graph when considering how to empower people, or increase performance, or deal
Skills and Attitudes
Training legend Bob Mager wrote about skill deficits vs. attitude deficits. He posited that if you held a gun to someone's head, and they still couldn't so a job, then there was a skills problem. But if they could do
Blog Leadership (BL)
There are constant questions and comments on social media about "thought leadership": how to become a thought leader, how to sustain the position, what to do if you "burn out," and similar nonsense. I say "nonsense" because "thought leader" (or "guru"
Strategic OCD
OCD stands for “obsessive-compulsive disorder” wherein a person experiences uncontrollable and recurring thoughts (obsessions) and therefore engages in repetitive behaviors (compulsions). These provoke time-consuming symptoms that cause significant stress and far from optimal coping with life. This is an anxiety disorder
Bird Brains
I used to think that the squirrels were responsible for emptying out my bird feeders so rapidly. So I invested in "squirrel-resistant" feeders that actually work as claimed: Only one acrobatic squirrel ever managed to dine there, and he eventually