Stamp of Approval
There is a great hullabaloo in the world of philately these days about the postal service's newer stamps, which are self-adhesive and non-soakable. That means that collectors who pursue postally used stamps for their collections can't immerse these stamps in
Rewarding Behaviors, Not Merely “Victories”
One of the most important aspects of leadership is to foster the right behaviors. You do this by serving as an avatar, of course, but you also do so by rewarding those behaviors whether or not they are immediately successful.
Dousing the Firestorm!
Well, I've certainly riled the waters with my comments about social media. Virtually no one, except a few enlightened posters, have understood that I am talking about consultants reaching senior executives (buyers) in major firms, and they are talking about
The Worst of Times, The Best of Times
Paraphrasing Dickens and the Chinese, thank goodness we live in interesting times. The market took a major hit yesterday, unemployment is up, and the price of a barrel of oil is at a record level. Yet, last night after two films
Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and Chance Redux
Seth Godin was kind enough to leave some comments, which I appreciate. I’ve heard him speak, and he’s provocative and quite good. I think “The Purple Cow” is his best work and I highly recommend it. (It’s within a couple
Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and Chance
I’ve just invented a new law firm, as you can see by my title. They specialize in obscure technical torts. Someone posted a commentary here asking my opinion of the world of linked-in facebook, YouTube, and other assorted means of mass
I'm a science fiction devotee. One of the classic films of the genre was the 1956 "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," starring Kevin McCarthy and Dana Wynter. A poor remake emerged in 1978 with Donald Sutherland and Jeff Goldblum. The
Ah, The Middlemen
I’ve been receiving about three aggressive requests a month to participate in someone’s great program/web site/resource community—you name it. It’s always a “great deal” for me, yet there is never any money up front and I’m immediately to lend my
Who’s On First
NOTE: This originally appeared in RainToday on today's date, which is worth your subscribing to for excellent sales and performance articles. Abbott and Costello, the legendary comedy duo, are best known for one of the classic dialogues in comedic history, “Who’s
What’s With This “Profession”?
The word “profession,” I believe, comes from the Latin professus, which means “proclaimed publicly.” Uh, oh! Who and what constitutes public proclamation? In law, it seems to me it’s passing the bar exam. (Being graduated from a law school is simply