The Esteem Regime
"Democracy demands that all of its citizens begin the race even. Egalitarians insist that they all finish even." -- Roger Price (Class) Recently, a school nearby had to reverse its decision to discontinue awards night for academic achievement, because parents—to their
People Who Won’t Go Away
I saw a clip of the latest person who never seems to go away, Jill Abramson, fired by the New York Times, making a commencement address at Wake Forest. She was utterly without gravitas, spoke in a squeaky voice reading
Flash: London No Longer Capital of England
I've been coming to London since (I'm mortified to admit) the 60s. I've been there perhaps 20 times. It's one of my five top cities in the world (New York, Hong Kong, Venice, San Francisco), I've belonged to a gambling
The Good Old Days
One is immediately ostracized for suggesting that the "old days" were better in some way. You are portrayed as an "old timer" who just doesn't understand the modern sophistication of, say, Lady GaGa or Jon Stuart or raves. Yeah, well. I love
In the Catholic Church one confesses sins (Reconciliation) prior to Easter. The Jews have a day of atonement, Yom Kippur. I thought it was time for me to make some secular confessions: • I don't get Pharrell. • The NCAA playoffs may
Phrases That Are Fingernails on Blackboards
Phrases that have become fingernails on blackboards* (* Blackboard: A primitive writing surface requiring chalk and erasers with no digital component or wireless interface. It's progeny was the Etch-a-Sketch.) • Resonate. I don't really care if something resonates with you. Do you
Obesity Down for Children, It Won’t Please Everyone
Today's New York Times: Obesity Rate for Young Children Plummets 43% in a Decade By SABRINA TAVERNISE The data, reported in a major federal health survey, offered the first clear evidence that America's children have turned a corner in the obesity epidemic, and came
Alan’s Winter Olympic Moments (sponsorship for this spot available)
• Whoever thought the US skaters were losing because of their outfits? I thought they simply weren't skating as fast as the other people. • The winter Olympics was once about skiing downhill and skating across ice. Now it's a white
In Case You Were Wondering What I Was Thinking
• With melting, sloppy conditions in Sochi, it's pretty apparent that the Winter Olympics should have been held in New Jersey. Couldn't Governor Christie have caused some lane closures over there? • If you're wondering about the idiotic decision to keep
Are “Ethics Experts” Unethical?
The New York Times has a variety of "experts" providing ethics and etiquette help, all of which seems to be written by an infinite number of monkeys randomly hitting keyboards. For example, Randy Cohen was the Sunday magazine ethics columnist for