In Case You Were Wondering What I Was Thinking
• The guy watching the golf game who yells “IN THE HOLE!” after each golf shot should be crammed into a hole, with a rock then placed over it. Of all the bores, this one is near the top. • Why
In Case You Were Wondering What I Was Thinking….
• When did it become a service standard for the server to provide you with his or her name, as if we were going to be friends? • Air New Zealand used nude employees in their flight safety announcement videos to
In Case You Were Wondering What I Was Thinking
• The Air France tragedy highlights the danger of becoming subservient to machinery instead of using machinery as inputs for our own purposes. My dogs have stopped barking when people enter our property, but instead now react to the alarms
I’m Anxious Not To Be Eager
I’ve been observing eagerness. You know, the people who put the tops down on their convertibles when it’s 54 degrees. I’ve driven convertibles since 1992, and I can authoritatively state that it’s uncomfortable at less than, say, 65 degrees with
Let Me Fit You Into Our Grid (Dumb-Ass Stupid Management)
Here's a request from a reporter that appeared today in my inbox: "I am seeking HR professionals at organizations who are using the '9-box grid' method to assess employee potential and manage their development. The article will cover what the tool
In Case You Were Wondering What I Was Thinking
We’re completing our stay at Disney World with the family. We’ve had a wonderful time watching the granddaughters have a ball. The place is really built for two and three year-olds who rejoice in seeing Mickey. I can never turn
Why Airplanes Aren’t Made for People and Other Unspoken Truths
I’m sitting in the front of an Airbus A340, and I’m wondering why what I’ve been through is so strange. The plane carries 240 people, but we all go through the same bottleneck, one by one (baaah, baaah, baaah) to
In Case You Were Wondering What I Was Thinking
• Watching multi-millionaire football owners negotiate with multi-millionaire football players at the cost of canceling the 2011 season prompts me to hope that they all lose. • There were 10 million people stranded in Tokyo recently who couldn’t get home. We
But Wait, There’s More!
There is a trend of incredible temerity and lack of ethics gripping seemingly desperate speakers and consultants. They want their moment in the sun, their Warholian 15 minutes, no matter what. Talent doesn’t matter, value isn’t a consideration. It’s a