Modern Travel
I've long believed that airport security operations as presently constituted are merely large employment agencies. That also applies to most government bureaucracies. On our return from Prague to London to Boston: • Throughout Monaco, France and the Czech Republic we were told
Memories of Prague
I don't know that we'll return to Prague, but we're both extremely happy that we listened to friends and visited once. It's a fairly small city with a brilliant history, great art, wonderful views, kind people, and interstitial surprises that
Owner and Captain Save $1,100 Wine with Hot Tongs
The owner and the captain of the restaurant mentioned in an earlier post actually burn and cut the neck off a bottle of 1984 Grand Cru Chateau Latour, after they discover the cork is stuck, and I have calculated exchange
Prague Escapades
We walked through a park this morning to the funicular to ascend the great hill here on the way to the monastery, with plans then to walk to Prague Palace, an enormous gothic structure that commands what seems like all
The photos below may not be for the faint-hearted. Terezin (Ter-e-zeen') is between Prague and Dresden, and was a famous ghetto. Over 35,000 people died there, mostly from poor health and mistreatment, and tens of thousand of others were transported
Below you'll find photos of The Old Town Square; an incredible, huge, multi-floor train display; some of the architecture; and the Jewish Cemetery. The cemetery has 12,000 tombstones estimated to be on top of 12 layers of prior graves, meaning
Welcome to Prague
After an outstanding meeting and one final dinner with the Million Dollar Consulting® Million Dollar Club, we said our goodbyes and left Monaco this morning. We flew to Paris and connected to Prague. Air France (as did British Air earlier) managed
Touring Monaco and Southern France
The yacht is the "A" owned by a Russian billionaire, rumored to have cost $300 million, with 3 swimming pools. It's designed to look like a cross between the Battleship Potemkin and a nuclear submarine. It was docked outside during
Touring Monaco
Today we traveled to the royal palace, cathedral, aquarium, and rose garden. Here are some views. There are more on my Facebook page.
Chateau Eza
We took a car to Èze last night in France, and dined at the Chateau Eza. The limo climbs up cobblestone streets and hairpin turns from the village below until the end of the road, at which point we "climbed" over