The Esteem Regime
"Democracy demands that all of its citizens begin the race even. Egalitarians insist that they all finish even." -- Roger Price (Class) Recently, a school nearby had to reverse its decision to discontinue awards night for academic achievement, because parents—to their
Sensitivity Vs. Self-Absorption
We're having dinner with a friend of my wife's who also once belonged to the same gym the both of us use. We asked why she had changed trainers and gone to a new gym. She went on to cite perceived
The Million Dollar Solo Practice
What my communities help develop, from The Daily Stat of the Harvard Business Review, courtesy of Cliff Eslinger: May 07, 2014 Yes, You Can Have a Million-Dollar Business with No Employees Census figures show that the number of one-person businesses in the U.S.
Anyone who has ever seen and heard me speak (or perhaps even merely conversed with me) knows that I use stories to illustrate my points. In a typical keynote, I'll use about 10. The "story index" I maintain on my
How Do You Begin Your Day?
If you begin your day worried about paying bills, finding business, and meeting "quotas" you're going to behave as if you're trying to get money from people and be hesitant about calling them because they don't want their money taken. If
Thou Shalt
Most corporate rules tell you what you cannot do, are prohibited from doing, and shall refrain from doing. That extends right down to small business, where the door is often plastered with "no shoes, no shirt, no service," or "no
Regrets, I’ve Had A Few….
The title comes from a line in Sinatra's signature, canonical version of the song, My Way, written by Paul Anka. The line finishes: "
Have you ever tried to leave a theater and found that a small group of people have paused in the doorway to chat about the play, blocking everyone behind them? Have you experienced people getting off an escalator and stopping
Hold the Backup
Stop thinking you need validation and, worse, taking the time to provide it whenever you speak. • You don't demand to see the collegiate records of your dentist, nor the last inspection reports from the board of health. • You don't demand
How to Impress A Buyer
If you want to impress a buyer at your first meeting in the buyer's office, think about these techniques: • Google the firm and find out something about it's recent history worth discussing. • Google the person and find something in his