An "epidemic" is a disease that quickly affects a large number of people and then subsides. A "pandemic" is a global spread of such a disease. "Endemic" refers to a disease which continues in a given area and affects limited
Okay, New Day
Have you noticed how quickly the Omicron variant scare has subsided? The markets rebounded within a day or two, the initial concerns about more rapid spread have been offset by experts saying it's not more lethal. In other words, if you're
Except If You’re A Mail Carrier
This is a non-partisan question. Can someone explain the rationale wherein President Biden wants to enforce mandatory vaccination in all companies with over 100 employees, and demand firings and penalties if that doesn't happen, but exempts 600,000 unionized postal workers from
Why Should I Stop for A Red Light? Who Are You to Tell Me What to Do?
We tend to think that people who don't want to be vaccinated, or who don't honor lines and try to cut them, or who never signal to make a turn in their cars, don't like rules. That's not really true.
Maybe We Should Have Gone with the Monarchy Thing…
Some animals do eat their young on occasion. I've been told it's to retain proper numbers in the hunting environment or to weed out the weak, or that we just don't know why. It's not pleasant to consider. However, we tend
Try Blowing the Whistle
As I read about charges of anti-Semitism, racism, and homophobia within athletic departments of schools in Massachusetts (and elsewhere) I find myself asking, "How was this kept so secret? If it's been going on for years, why didn't we know
Walter Cronkite, Where Are You?
The last vestiges of objective, impartial journalism were not to be seen as CNN and MSNBC seemed to be holding wakes as the Republican won in Virginia's gubernatorial election last night and New Jersey was leaning that way.
Performing Well
I'm the president of the board of trustees of Festival Ballet Providence. We're staging three performances over this weekend at the Woodman Performance Center at Moses Brown School. Per local laws and health advisories, we require vaccination proof and photo
Damn that Jefferson
Some commission in New York City just voted to move a statue of Thomas Jefferson from in front of city hall. Well, that should fix everything, right? I mean, it's not like fixing the schools or reducing crime would be as important. And
Hear Me Out
The Bible, and other religious writings, are codifications of values that were orally transmitted prior to the creation of widespread literacy and writing. That's how generations were informed and taught about morals and ethics prevalent at the time. Why the tendency