Ladies and Gentlemen….
After the leading candidate for superintendent of Easthampton Public Schools in Massachusetts claimed he lost his job offer for using the word “ladies” in an email to two of the women, he said he was “shocked” because he “grew up in a time
Too Many People—Or Not Enough?
Somewhere around 1794 Thomas Malthus, oft-cited, predicted that humans would soon run out of space to live on the planet and exhaust its resources, ending civilization. (My words, but that's the gist of it.) The world population at the time
Storming the Bastille
The fascinating aspect of the riots in France over retirement age (raising it from 62 to 64, in a country with an average life expectancy of 81) is that, as in most of the developed world right now, morbidity exceeds
Banking 101
The regional banks that went under are anomalies in the banking system. (There were well over 500 bank failures between 2001 and 2023, by the way.) These recent banks had huge exposure to crypto-currency and crypto-related firms. One of the
Don’t Drink OR Drive
I try not to drive long distances on Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and New Year's Eve because all the amateur drivers are out and it's dangerous out there. Similarly, I don't drive or go to bars on St. Patrick's
The much-maligned Rudy Giuliani was, in my view, an excellent mayor in New York, especially during 9/11 and its aftermath. (We belonged to the same cigar club in Manhattan, and he was back then a gregarious, friendly guy with everyone
Standing Tall
On most sports shows today, there is a woman included in the group (when there are just two people, one is usually a woman). I find almost all of these women extremely well prepared and interesting in their analyses. More
I just blew up a balloon and popped it with a pin. It was thereby rendered useless. You have to figure it cost $20 million or so to launch F22s and shoot a sidewinder missile, then send divers down to retrieve
Up, Up, and Away….
In 1960, the Russians shot down one of our very advanced U2 spy planes which had been flying over the Soviet Union repeatedly. Sixty-three years later the Chinese are detected floating a balloon over the US northwest to spy on
The Agenda Bucket
Our comments and opinions are often judged by how well they fit into another person's agenda. They aren't evaluated on truth, or accuracy, or insight, but solely on the basis of whether they confirm the other person's bias. If you