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Contribute to My Newest Book

Contribute to My Newest Book

Million Dollar Referrals will be published by McGraw-Hill later this year to join my “Million Dollar” franchise books. I'm looking for contributions titled “My Greatest Referral.” What was a dramatic new piece of business that resulted from a referral (business or personal) and how did it come about? What was instrumental in it occurring? What advice do you have for others seeing these referrals?

If you're interested, send me about 500 words AS A WORD ATTACHMENT to an email, carefully proofed, and at the bottom print: “I am giving Alan Weiss and McGraw-Hill permission to use this contribution in publication and promotion.” Then print your name, company, and any title or credential (not a bio) you desire to use.

I'll send you a free copy of the book whether or not your contribution is used. I must have the above format in order to consider it, however. Thanks!

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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