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DASM: It IS Your Fault, Not Covid, Not the Weather, Not Resignations

DASM: It IS Your Fault, Not Covid, Not the Weather, Not Resignations

I've never been a big Elon Musk fan. Let me make that clear.

However, I've also been writing about what I call The Great Excuses: Supply chain shortages, The Great Resignation, and Covid “shut downs.” I call them “excuses” because some restaurants, air lines, department stores, and online retailers do fine, while others do not, and that's a function of leadership, not the Great Excuses.

Here's an example from today's New York Times:

“When Tesla couldn’t get the chips it had counted on, it took the ones that were available and rewrote the software that operated them to suit its needs. Larger auto companies couldn’t do that because they relied on outside suppliers for much of their software and computing expertise. In many cases, automakers also relied on these suppliers to deal with chip manufacturers. When the crisis hit, the automakers lacked bargaining clout.” (Why Tesla Soared as Other Automakers Struggled to Make Cars—Jack Ewing)

When you're thinking about investing your money (or about which prospects you'd like to pursue as clients) focus on the organizations that think strategically and control their own fate through enlightened leadership and resiliency.

There are other words for supply chain shortages and staffing shortages: poor planning, lousing back-up plans, lack of resiliency, and mental laziness.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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