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Did You See Those People Break Into the Line Right After We Did? Cheaters!

Did You See Those People Break Into the Line Right After We Did? Cheaters!

Somehow, when people are complaining about sexism, or racism, or ageism, or ableism, or any other “ism,” while using biased and pejorative accusations themselves, their argument loses its impact.

Have you ever noticed that those who rail the most about others' behaviors are the ones who manifest that condemned behavior themselves? The drivers who rant about others not using signals or cutting people off are those guilty of the same transgressions, and those who complain about others' loud voices while on their phones are usually the loudest themselves. Students who cried the most about others' cheating were usually cheating themselves.

This, of course, is “exceptionalism”: “You can't do this but it's okay for me to do it because I have good reasons for it and I'm an exception.”

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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