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Dumb Ass Stupid Management: Mercedes-Benz

Dumb Ass Stupid Management: Mercedes-Benz

I want to warn you about Mercedes-Benz financial services, especially their leasing operation. I’ve owned five or six Mercedes, but I’ll never own another and I have none now. Their financial services people are inefficient to the point of reckless. When you lease a vehicle, the property taxes are sent to Mercedes which then charges the person leasing the car. However, Mercedes usually forgets to do this, somehow, and bills for these property taxes years later. They just sent me a bill from 2017 and threatened to send it to a collection agency. People call and leave messages at 9 pm at night, and they dun you, not listening to any requests for the original bill or proof they weren’t, indeed, paid. Letters to Mercedes executives go unanswered. This has happened twice to me over the  years, and to thousands of others. They also continue to bug you for extended financial arrangements long after the vehicle has been returned and is off lease, because their records are horrible (or they’re engaged in a scam).

There are too many equivalent and better cars out there to deal with these people. If they’re not paying attention to tax payments and collections, how much attention are they paying to craftsmanship, safety, and truthful advertising?

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Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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