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Fat Bagels Is No More

Fat Bagels Is No More

I wrote here a while back of the terrible service in a local coffee shop, Fat Bagels, in the midst of huge competition on Main Street. It's been pretty much devoid of customers and is now officially closed. Another is apparently opening in its place.

Perhaps they'll run it as a business, not a hobby, and realize you need employees who understand they're there for the customers, not vice versa. I can still picture their surly employee working on his cell phone instead of the business.

Consulting practices aren't very different. Be attentive to clients, don't mess up the order, and at least pretend you're enthusiastic about the work!

© Alan Weiss 2010. All rights reserved.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 3

  • Jeffrey Summers

    August 4, 2010

    Always sad to see, especially since it very simply could have been another success story given their history.

    It’s the “hobby” label that gets me in my sandbox. I see way too many “consultants” who are simply trying to get by until their next job.

  • Tim Wilson

    August 4, 2010

    Viewing it or treating consulting like a hobby is indeed irksome. Those who are looking to get back to the W2 world and calling themselves consultants aren’t willing to burn bridges and not look back. They need that life line. Many of the early explorers burned their ships which meant there was no going back only going forward. If the job they had been so great why leave it. If they were part of a company layoff what makes them think they will get a call back? Either work at being a good professional consultant who works for themselves or good professional working for someone else. It is a simple binary decision.

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