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Idiosyncratic Structures

Idiosyncratic Structures

The recent New York Times piece on Amazon's grinding culture is just another example of idiosyncratic leadership and structure. Jobs at Apple did the same, using his personal (and often damaging) vision of what the company should look life. The new, zany “holacracy” by Tony Hsieh at Zappos is another.

No one kept the people at Amazon present at gunpoint. One would think it prudent to leave before collapsing on the desk in tears (and that was the men). Whether it's Google or Southwest Air, FedEx or Facebook, entrepreneurs are free to create structures reflecting their particular tastes and preferences. Some are brilliant, some absurd.

If you're looking for work, consider the environment, not just the pay. And as a consultant, if you're looking for clients, consider the culture, not just the project.

© Alan Weiss 2015

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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