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Let Me Define “Hobby”

Let Me Define “Hobby”

I find that the people who take a hobby to the nth degree don't have a hobby any more. They've simply created another job for themselves.

Some stamp collectors must have a pristine stamp with perfect centering and original gum on the back. Some model builders insist that the seats, wheel wells, and unseen parts of the model be perfectly completed. Some model railroad enthusiasts insist that everything be perfectly in scale and consistent with a given period of time in the past. Some people clean their car engines with Q-tips and won't drive in the rain.

To each his own, but I thought hobbies were for relaxation and for me to set my own rules. I'm not about to try to relax using someone else's metrics!

Passion gone too far leads to obsession.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 2

  • René Vidal

    October 14, 2018

    Kudos to the man who taught me that wealth is discretionary time and to venture beyond the business section of Barnes & Noble.

  • Chris Law

    October 16, 2018

    I think we should write an article for Fine Scale Modeler magazine. I’m the epitome of what you describe. As I said at my Dad’s funeral… the greatest gift he gave me was to be a perfectionist, and the worst gift he gave me was to be a perfectionist.

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