NORK (No One Really Knows)
A long time ago, the great science fiction writer, Robert Heinlein, created the neologism “grok” in the magnificent novel, Stranger in A Strange Land. It means to “grasp” and truly understand, sort of.
I'm introducing NORK, which means that “no one really knows.” No one really knows when and why the markets go up and down. NORK why some actors, athletes, business people make it, and others don't. Certainly NORK when some buyers are ready to buy so a consultant can arrive at the precise right time and place.
We need to trust our own judgment, experience, and analysis before relying on those of others, because NORK, so we might as well believe in ourselves. You will be told that your book can't possibly succeed, that you won't enjoy the Caribbean, that you need to have a certification to be taken seriously, and that Apple stock was a bad purchase all those years ago. But NORK. If I'm going to fail, I'll do it on my own terms, not because of NORK advice, and if I'm going to succeed it will be on my own merits.
We can't predict the arrival and paths of tornadoes, or earthquakes, or the direction of investments, or the winner of sports championships—at least, not with any reliable degree of accuracy. Why listen to others, unless they've been there and done it well and can provide pragmatic skills that work for you right now?
If I had listened to the “experts,” I would never have gone into solo practice, invested the money I did in the manner I did, created my value-based fee approach, piloted the Goodyear Blimp, or written 45 books. But I didn't and I did.
You know why? Because conventional wisdom is neither conventional nor wisdom. It's a copout. It's a product of NORK. And I'm not.
I grok NORK.
© Alan Weiss 2012. All rights reserved.
John Martin
How very accurate and how uncannily relevant at this moment in time for me.
A great insight to an attitudinal necessity, thanks Alan.
Alan Weiss
I’ve been listening to the studio commentators for the NCAA playoffs: NORK!!!!!
Phil Symchych
NORK is great!
It seems that the larger an issue or factor is, such as the weather or the stock market, the larger the NORK factor. Perhaps many ‘experts’ should include a NORK disclaimer.
As an accountant, I was always jealous of the weather person or the economists, because no one ever expected them to be right. I’m getting over that now, with the help of NORK.
John Martin
I feel that this may soon snowball into the cult of NORK