• Superb flight on American 1509 yesterday, Boston to Miami. First class like it used to be but also with wifi, power outlets, meals ordered in advance, and TSA pre-check.
• The major sensory experience in South Beach Miami is LOUD.
• Why is anyone surprised a mountain lion is hunting small animals, including pets? Is it supposed to use coupons at the Stop and Shop?
• SUVs are large cars. They are neither bulldozers nor tractors. They can't simply blast through snow drifts, they have a high center of gravity, and they aren't all that much better in the snow than a four-wheel drive car. Yet people drive them as if they're in an Abrams Tank.
• My wife has an artificial knee, which she tells the TSA folks, and they pat her down, but then yesterday checked her for explosives! How many billions are we wasting?
• The only person, amidst a mountain of feedback for my Monday Morning Memo® last week about the weakness in our higher education system, who protested my position was…..wait for it….a college professor.
• Some guy writes me that, while he enjoyed Million Dollar Consulting,
the table of contents could be improved! Is there a lower life form than the typo-terrorists?
• The urge to write to people just to tell them you don't agree with them about their opinion, not facts, is not the healthiest of behavioral traits, and isn't going to help you get a date on Saturday night.
• Another “hot” star I've never heard of is checking into rehab with great fanfare. Since when has this become a publicity stunt instead of treatment?
• Note that athletic contests are won at the end, not the beginning. You must have the mental attitude, stamina, and attention to surmount early disappointment, press home your strengths, and perform under pressure. In other words, it's like being successful in professional services.
© Alan Weiss 2013.